Jane Reads blog interview: what Elizabeth Peters’ Amelia Peabody and Lisa Fernow’s Antonia Blakeley have in common
Jane Reads noticed I am a big fan of Elizabeth Peters and asked me a great question about this. What if anything does my tango mystery Dead on Her Feet heroine, Antonia Blakeley, have in common with Elizabeth Peters' egyptologist detective, Amelia Peabody? I hadn't...
13 Female Sleuths Behaving Badly (and 1 Interloper)
When I get into conversations with fellow mystery lovers, we often talk about who our favorite detectives are. It turns out many of my favorite sleuths happen to be women, and many of them turn out to be rather, shall we say, unconventional? The image above, if you...
Dead on Her Feet and my favorite dance films featured on Queen of All She Reads
If you are looking for a little inspiration on a grey day (at least it's grey here in Seattle), please visit Queen of All She Reads, where I was asked a really fun question: what are my favorite dance movies and/or favorite professional dancers? I am amazed to hear ...
Room with Books Talks to Lisa Fernow About Writing, Book #2 and Ice Cream
This week's interview is with Room With Books, where I had the opportunity to share some behind the scenes insights - if that's what they are - about the writing process. Basically, it's about putting your butt in the chair and lately I haven't had much time for...
Book ‘Em North Carolina Blog Interviews Lisa Fernow on Tango Mystery Dead on Her Feet
The lovely people at Book 'Em North Carolina asked me to explain why I used tango as the backdrop for murder in Dead on Her Feet, and particularly why I selected the dance floor as the place where the victim is (well, that would spoil things wouldn't it?). Click to...
When worlds collide? Dolce & Gabbana and Monty Python
I enjoy trying to understand where fashion designers get their inspiration. How would you caption this shot? I vote for "The Knights Who Say Knee."
Bernadette Pajer’s 4th Mystery, The Edison Effect, Coming in September
Bernadette Pajer writes a delightful electrically-themed mystery series featuring Benjamin Bradshaw, Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Washington. And #4 in the series - The Edison Effect - is coming out in September! I first ran into...
Tango instructors Susana Miller and K’ai Roberts Fu demonstrate a milonga in practice hold
I'm just now getting around to sharing this lovely video taken by Richard Escobedo at a master class taught by Susana Miller earlier this summer. Susana is considered one of the most important influences in tango, and it is always instructive and inspiring to learn...
Thriller master Robert Dugoni shows how Lord of the Rings applies to writers
In a stirring moment from Lord of the Rings, Aragorn, played by Viggo Mortensen (who really rocks in this scene, can I just say?), rallies his soldiers for battle with an incredible speech, reminiscent of Henry V. So it was inevitable that Robert Dugoni, bestselling...
Clancy Tucker interviews Lisa Fernow on Dead on Her Feet, desert islands, heaven, pet peeves and more
Yes, you saw this here first - this is a camel mobile library, one of Clancy Tucker's pictures from his blog on the various clever ways libraries reach out to their patrons. Storyteller, author, publisher, photographer, human rights activist, social justice...