Yes, you saw this here first – this is a camel mobile library, one of Clancy Tucker‘s pictures from his blog on the various clever ways libraries reach out to their patrons. Storyteller, author, publisher, photographer, human rights activist, social justice campaigner and sometime poet, Clancy has one of the most eclectic and fun blogs I have come across – based in Australia, he covers everything from Amnesty International to naughty dogs.
Yesterday he posted a blog on his interview with me which covered an equally broad range of topics: my tango mystery Dead on Her Feet, who I’d like to be marooned with, what 5 books I hope to find in heaven, and what really pisses me off. I loved his questions and I hope you will too.
Check out his blog (and his interview with me – scroll till you see 23 July 2014 – LISA FERNOW – Guest Author), and feel free to share both with your friends!
And tell him I said “G’day”.