by Lisa Fernow | Mar 9, 2015 | Book Stores and Writers I Love
I am very excited to let you know that my publisher, Booktrope has entered into a new business relationship with Amazon, beginning with a mutual licensing deal that deepens ties with Amazon to a much more significant degree. Digital versions of a select number of...
by Lisa Fernow | Dec 11, 2014 | Dead on Her Feet - Behind the Scenes, Goddess Fish Blog Tour
The Long and Short of It blog covers mystery and romance novels so I dedicated this Goddess Fish blog tour post to the subject of where tango might intersect with romance. Read here! This photo is of Carlos Gavito and Christy Cote taken at the Verdi Club milonga in...
by Lisa Fernow | Nov 27, 2014 | Dead on Her Feet - Behind the Scenes
Zee Monodee has a romantic streak for sure. She writes an Island Girl Trilogy, retells fairy tales in long form novels, and writes a variety of other series: small town romances, western escapes, sweet/sensual contemporary tales set in England, and “one night...
by Lisa Fernow | Nov 18, 2014 | Book Stores and Writers I Love
I just spent 4 crazy, wonderful days at Bouchercon, the annual conference for crime authors and fans named for Anthony Boucher. Boucher helped found the Mystery Writers of America, was a noted mystery reviewer for the NYT and author of several mysteries – my...
by Lisa Fernow | Oct 30, 2014 | Dead on Her Feet - Behind the Scenes
Alison Stuart is an award winning Australia writer of ‘cross-genre’ historical romances, so it was only natural that when she came to interview me for my blog tour that the topic turned out to be research. I can’t imagine what a historical novelist...