by Lisa Fernow | Apr 7, 2015 | Book Stores and Writers I Love, Events
A DAY OF MYSTERY — 10 AUTHORS, ONE STORE at Page 2 Books this Saturday at their Burien store – come join us! Here’s their writeup: Whodunnit? Ten local authors did — write mysteries with themes, settings and sleuths as varied as a professor of electrical...
by Lisa Fernow | Jul 19, 2014 | Events, Publishing
I had the pleasure to present at PNWA with Katherine Sears of Booktrope – she did most of the work, since she really knows this subject well. We used me as an example, and I shared my warts and all experience as I begin to build my reach and relationships as an...
by Lisa Fernow | Jul 14, 2014 | Book Stores and Writers I Love, Events, Publishing
I’ve been going to the PNWA (Pacific Northwest Writers Association) summer conference since I moved to Seattle, and every year I get something wonderful from it. So I wanted to share 7 reasons why you should go! The conference runs July 17-20 at the Seattle...
by Lisa Fernow | May 12, 2014 | Book Stores and Writers I Love, Books, Events
I had the pleasure to meet Annamaria Alfieri, author of the historical mystery Blood Tango, at Malice Domestic last weekend. I’d previously downloaded her e-book but when I saw her at the conference I just had to buy a hard copy for her to sign, too. Her book...
by Lisa Fernow | Apr 28, 2014 | Events
The lovely, lethal ladies at Wicked Cozy Authors are running a blog interview – going live 4 am EST tonight/tomorrow – about Authors Alley which will be taking place at the Malice Domestic conference this weekend in Bethesda, MD. Authors Alley is a sort...
by Lisa Fernow | Feb 18, 2014 | Events, Shoes
For those of you who are not tango dancers, ValenTango is one of the most popular Argentine tango festivals in the US, run by Clay Nelson who is one of the most modest and generous men in tango. Every year he and his team put on a great event, and 2014 was no...