
For those of you who are not tango dancers, ValenTango is one of the most popular Argentine tango festivals in the US, run by Clay Nelson who is one of the most modest and generous men in tango. Every year he and his team put on a great event, and 2014 was no exception.

Special dance moments, for me: a milonga class with Jorge and Milena, who are always fun, and several classes with Tomas and Shorey on the finer subtleties of close embrace. I danced with one young dancer with fantastic musicality who turned out to be from Seattle.

And I got to meet some really fantastic people over dinner and hear their stories of tango, and life.

I’ve shared some fashion highlights on my Facebook page that I hope you’ll check out.Tango attracts artists, and the entrepreneurs who design and sell shoes, clothing and jewelry are very talented.  And hard to resist. Yes, I spent $$$!  Those shoes in the picture are now mine.

I also gave my very first reading of Dead on Her Feet, which was a lot of fun. Very interesting to see how people received it – where they laughed, where they were seriously concentrating. So you see how important it is that I hear from you!



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